We apologize for the length of time between posts......we've been touring?.....sleeping on benches.......eating protein bars.....recording .....standing outside smoking.......watching SouthPark......drilling & hammering things......accepting awards..........making bigtime plans......you know really busy! Last weekend the original band members accepted their well deserved award and were inducted into the Western Canadian Hall Of Fame and played a couple O'tunes for the folks. They were great...some of us junior members had a great time, although we'd rather have been on stage. You know..we require at least 15 hours a month on stage, for self ego consumption, or we shrivel up, (some more than others), not unlike swimming in a cold pool?

We're in final "decision-making" throws of the new CD........we can hardly wait for it's reception by the public.....it seriously rocks! Once we decide on how it's to be released....we'll post "snippets" on the site for your review and comments.