Here we are as we near the end of 06. It has been a busy schedule for the band and not just in the live show arena. We are all working in eager anticipation towards finishing the new album. The songs are written and recorded and we are currently adding the finishing details. We feel that we have been successful in our approach to capture the spirit of classic Harlequin in this new offering of music. The material is written and recorded in the spirit of Victim Of a Song, Love Crimes and One False Move, yet in 13 new songs. I hope you're as anxious as we are for this new disc to drop. We will soon inform you all as to the release date and any CD release events that follow.... On October 22,in our hometown of Winnipeg, Harlequin was officially inducted into the Western Canadian Music Hall of Fame. The 5 original members were all on hand to accept the award and perform. Thinking Of You and Innocence fit perfectly into the 8 minutes slotted for the Harlequin performance at the award ceremony. The audience agreed that it was the highlight of the evening as the entire crowd, in the Burton Cummings Theatre were on their feet for the band’s entire performance. It was evident throughout the evening just how influential Harlequin continues to be in Canadian rock & roll.
Original bassist Ralph James accepted other awards on behalf of bands, for which he acts as their agent, and original guitarist Glen Willows was nominated for Manager of the Year. This evening was truly a magical night for the band, and coming from me Harlequin rocked that show!
Watch for us in your area. Nov 10 & 11 you can catch us at our regular Winnipeg "house gig" Joe's Garage. Nov 19 we will be playing at the Winnipeg Convention Centre as a part of the Grey Cup celebration. This is the 3rd year in a row that we have been a part of Canada's biggest sporting event. Last year, after the game in Vancouver, Harlequin played to a capacity crowd at the legendary Commodore Room. It was a blast as people were there from all over the country; we are looking forward to this year.
We are always happy to be back in Alberta; Dec 15, 16 & 17, we will be in Fort McMurray at the Boomtown Casino. Dec 29 & 30 we are back in Edmonton for 2 nights at the Century Casino. On New Years Eve we will join Prism, Helix and the Headpins in Victoria for a Classic Rock New Years bash at the Bear Mountain Arena.
Please come out to a show when we are in you're area. Support the band, come say hi, hang out & have a drink with us. We will be selling the new CD at shows ASAP, hopefully even before the official release date.
We will update you regularly, however, check your local listings and http://www.harlequintheband.com/ and we will see you soon...
Derrick Gottfried