As some of you already know we’re pretty excited about our upcoming release! We’ve all been working hard on the new tunes and it’s been a rush getting back into songwriting mode with this line-up! I had taken a long hiatus from writing for various reasons, but the prime one, being motivation. Dealings with record companies left a bad taste in my mouth that lingered for years, but once I started in earnest again, I rekindled the joy I have always found in the creative process … it’s fun again!!
The new tunes will have a definite Harlequin feel but with the new production values that are available today. We have previewed a few tunes in our live show and the response has been phenomenal!! In all my years of doing this I have never witnessed a reaction from the fans as positive as we’ve been getting!
We also managed to get Glen Willows to do a few licks on the new project between his busy schedule as a manager for several young bands that are “ thanks to Glen” finding major success and his current stint as a bureaucrat with MARIA. Glen also still plays with us on occasion when time permits. When Derrick and Glen play together it truly is “magic”. They play so well together, I wish it could happen every night!
In my next newsletter I plan to tell “road stories” as I have had many requests to do so. Just trying to figure out how to creatively edit them!
Rock On!