Feel free to ask the band and its members questions ................................... watch for posts from band members.

Hey it's Maxine in Newfoundland. Would have loved to seen you at Klondyke but I heard the weather sucked...that wouldn't have deterred me from seeing you but being older and having more responsibilities did. haha
Hopefully you will make it back to Newfoundland again someday, I've been a fan since the first record and always will be...guess I'll have to order the HII CD now...I had hoped to buy it when you were here.
Hey Maxine, believe me...... we were more dissapointed than you were..We were restricted from landing in St' John's the previous evening due to heavy fog....so we were re-routed to Charlottetown and then Halifax, where we received luxurious accomodations on the benches of the Halifax airport because there were no rooms available.
(Streetheart and Tom Cochrane were on the same flight, therefore the same predicament. Although Tom caught the last seats available on another airline, and Streetheart was "lucky" enough to hire a plane, the first of which died on the runway pre-take off)
We were told we'd have a flight out the next morning...which ended up being the next night at 11:00, needless to say we missed the show. However, we enjoyed an afternoon in Halifax with a few rums and some seafood.
We'd love to come back in support of our new CD coming out this fall.
Darren Moore (Harlequin)
I saw Harlequin In Grande Prairie Alberta last weekend, it was the best rock show I have ever seen!
I had never seen the band before but knew a couple of your songs like Innocense and Superstitious Feeling.
I didn't realize how many other Harlequin hits there are. The new songs from your upcoming album are UNBELIEVABLE!! I was blown away by the solid performance! You guys are seriously better than any arena rock show I have ever seen.... I'm a huge fan...and to be able to come over and talk to you guys after the show as well!
Hopefully we'll see you guys real soon.
Ack... just found this blog for the first time today. I'm an ex-Pegger now living in Toronto and seems every time I get back home I miss you by about a week or so. Last live show I saw was at joe's Garage in Trashcona in about 3-4 years ago. My timing seems to be off lately... when you in TO ????
Sheena...we've been spotted in airports out east, casinos out west, ball parks, arenas, clubs and outdoor stages throughout Canada this summer. As you may know from the website, we've spent most of the summer writing and recording a new CD.....written in true Harlequin form, it rox.
The last time we were in Toronto was at the Hard Rock 2 summers ago..where we also visited Cambridge, North Bay and Sudbury areas. Hopefully with the new release we'll be covering alot more ground from coast to coast in support.
When? Hopefully soon we're getting to the dregs and will post "snippets" on the site when we're ready.
Darren Moore
I have just found this web site, listening to your music brings back many memories of Teen Dances in a small Rural Manitoba Town of Rossburn.....You guys were great then and still are :) thanks for the memories
Prism and Harlequin co-headlined at quite a few venues over the last few years. We obviously had a lot of fun together and they asked if I would casually fill in for several dates in Manitoba and Quebec. As Harlequin wasn't working those dates I gladly accepted...why not? I could use the practise...and dust off some of those old analogue keyboard sounds. Hey I got to play lead guitar....(good thing Derrick wasn't there)It was a blast.
I'm a huge music fan and to get a chance to to put Prism on my resume....I be stupid not to.....I don't know if I'll be doing any more shows with them in the near future...but am playing keys on their upcoming CD.
As for now we're putting the finishing touches on the new Harlequin album, which seriously kicks!
Congratulations on your induction into the Hall Of Fame! Have always loved your music and have been hearing it alot more lately, relative to over the last few years,and to my chagrin I see from your site that you're making a new CD. Are you planning on making a come back with a new line up? I sure hope so, today's rock is trite and boring.
Good Luck you have our support.
I was fortunate enough to catch Harlequin at the Canada Day Classic Rock concert in Edmonton this year, along with Prism and the Headpins. I was throughly entertained with many of the Harleqin hits which I still listen to today. Absolutely loved it.
Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to hear Superstitious Feeling". I hope that this will be on the play list when you hit Edmonton in late December at the Century Casino. I'll be there, presuming that I can find where it is. :) I'm looking forward to hearing you guys again!
We had Superstitious Feeling on our set list, however....the baseball management folks were....a tapping their feet, staring and pointing at their wrist watches, dancing up and down with their legs crossed like they hadn't seen a bathroom for miles...pushing us to move along because all the bands were behind that day and the last band on always has to satisfy the clock keeper. We'll do it for you at the casino.
Last night, I sat at the foot of classic rock perfection in Edmonton and enjoyed one of the best live, high intensity performances to date. Not only was the music top notch, but you all took the time to connect with your fans by signing t-shirts (the girlfriend has already adopted my souvineer!) and performing an impromptu lap dance. Finally, true to your word, you performed Superstitious Feelings. I realize that this probably wasn't a special request for a single fan, but it sure felt like it. Keep up the great work and we're looking to the new album in 2007. -- Xcalibur
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