Question: How many clowns does it take to get to Newfoundland and if one or two should happen to fall when there, do they make a sound? O.K. O.K. I'm allowed a couple of inside jokes. After all, I have to travel with this circus (Thank God!).
All kidding aside folks, it's been a helluva year thus far. Our new live CD “ON/Q” is flyin' high and we've been working it from B.C. to the Rock and everywhere in between. Hats off to all you “Quin's Kids” who have joined us in the numerous celebrations this year, celebrating thirty years of Harlequin and the one and only live CD, which was released on June 2nd. A fruitful labour of love, which I'm proud to a part of and a MUST to add to your collection. Hats off to Darren for the majority of the 'labour' portion.
Please see other areas of our website to add ON/Q to your collection, along with a new assortment of t-shirts,hats,hoodies etc. featuring an all new logo! Sorry, a little shameless merchandise plug took over for a second.
The shows have rocked, some of the summer highlights; definitely with Kenny Sheilds of Streetheart and the Pumps at Kenora's Harbourfest, Edmonton's Indy, and last weeks Maritime swing. Lots more to come this summer so keep posted to the website. Thanks once again Kenny and the boys, the Pumps/Ophan, April Wine, Ray Sawyer, Casey and the rest of Dr. Hook, Nazareth, Helix, and all of you friends of Quin, that keep comin' out. Let's keep summer rockin'... as they say on the Rock.. Lord Jesus them Harlequin boys was....rockin'. Keep in touch!
A. J.
P.S. The answer to the first two questions was five and yes! I'll talk to ya’ll again after Labour Day Long. Get well Ab.
All kidding aside folks, it's been a helluva year thus far. Our new live CD “ON/Q” is flyin' high and we've been working it from B.C. to the Rock and everywhere in between. Hats off to all you “Quin's Kids” who have joined us in the numerous celebrations this year, celebrating thirty years of Harlequin and the one and only live CD, which was released on June 2nd. A fruitful labour of love, which I'm proud to a part of and a MUST to add to your collection. Hats off to Darren for the majority of the 'labour' portion.
Please see other areas of our website to add ON/Q to your collection, along with a new assortment of t-shirts,hats,hoodies etc. featuring an all new logo! Sorry, a little shameless merchandise plug took over for a second.
The shows have rocked, some of the summer highlights; definitely with Kenny Sheilds of Streetheart and the Pumps at Kenora's Harbourfest, Edmonton's Indy, and last weeks Maritime swing. Lots more to come this summer so keep posted to the website. Thanks once again Kenny and the boys, the Pumps/Ophan, April Wine, Ray Sawyer, Casey and the rest of Dr. Hook, Nazareth, Helix, and all of you friends of Quin, that keep comin' out. Let's keep summer rockin'... as they say on the Rock.. Lord Jesus them Harlequin boys was....rockin'. Keep in touch!
A. J.
P.S. The answer to the first two questions was five and yes! I'll talk to ya’ll again after Labour Day Long. Get well Ab.
Hey A.J.! I was the drummer (Dan) for the opening band at Weir Rockin (Chambermade) on Aug 22 - thanks for the pics I got with you guys - my wife thought that was just too cool an experience. You guys rocked - geez, the hair on my neck stood up even during your sound check! Thanks for a night that won't be forgotten!
you guys are the shit lol. im only 21 and your music was before my time but i grew up listening and loving your music. you got to play more often in winnipeg
We haven't talked in years, but had I have known you were out playing with Harlequin, I would have made a point to come see ya. You have always been my fav drummer and always will be....
Kim K
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